The exact timing of this is yet to be nailed down but we hope to stream at a time where most people can watch live in some form, hopefully on a weekend. It would have been earlier but several of our team members are away for the Tokyo Game Show at the moment (more on that later in the newsletter). We want to do the judging live, so our current plan is to do a livestream at some point towards the end of this month. John and Mike discussing map designs, whilst John makes an example map (which we will be finishing and adding to the game also!)
The contest closed at the start of this month, and we have had in the region of 200 entries all told! The brief was to submit an idea for a freeplay or custom game map, which we will then judge and turn our favourite into a fully-fledged map in the game. In August we launched a map contest, mainly advertised on YouTube (you should absolutely subscribe to our YouTube channel - we post a whole bunch of great stuff there).